About our company
TUBUS RÝMAŘOV s.r.o. company was founded in the year 2000.
It ranks among the leading manufacturers of protective means for forest seedlings and grapevines in the Czech Republic boasting more than 10 years of experience in producing these protective means. Production takes places in the manufacturing plant in Dlouhá Loučka in the Olomouc Region.
Furthermore, the company concentrates on the planning and building of forest nurseries. It performs the preparation of the project as well as building the forest tree container nursery including the technological project of growing young forest plants and sowing seeds.
Moreover, the business activities of the company focus on the production and building of outdoor and indoor irrigation systems, outside reinforced surfaces, construction of plastic greenhouses, reconstruction of plastic and glass greenhouses as well as the heating of plastic greenhouses.
The company also builds cooling and refrigerating equipment, or it can install refrigerating boxes in the existing halls.
In addition, it offers products for a forest tree container nursery: a universal planting plate, iron pallets under planting plates and pallets for storing young plants in air-conditioned warehouses.
Last, but not least, Tubus Rýmařov s.r.o. company is engaged in planting decorative foliage, maintaining park areas as well as planning and implementing decorative gardens and landscaping as desired by the customer. It carries out the revitalisation and forestation of the landscape and the forestation of woods and agricultural land.
The activities described above have been performed by the company for more than ten years and the quality of our products have been tried and tested in hundreds of installed facilities throughout Central Europe.
We are pleased that you chose to visit our website and should you be interested in using our range of products and services we will be very happy to co-operate with you.
Klíčová slova naší firmy: ochrana rostlin, ochrana sazenic, tubus, okus zvěří, plastová ochrana, plastová ochrana sazenic, zahradnictví, ochrana lesních kultur, ochrana vinné révy, lesní školky, kontejnerová lesní školka, lesní sazenice, příprava osiva, venkovní závlahy, vnitřní závlahy, zpevněné plochy, foliovníky, vytápění foliovníků, stavba foliovníků, rekonstrukce foliovníků, chladící zařízení, mrazící zařízení, chladící boxy, lesnický sadbovač, železné palety, sadbovače, klimatizační sklady, okrasná zeleň, údržba parkových ploch, údržba parků, okrasné zahrady, sadbové úpravy, revitalizace, zalesňování, lesnické pozemky, zemědělské pozemky, ochrana proti okusu, individuální ochrana, tubus, mulčovací, zavlažování, tubus 60, plastové chrániče, oplocenky